Our Community
First Light Fellowship is a gathering of God’s people, from all stages of life, who desire to join God’s work in the world by striving to love to our fullest potential. We believe God is with us— kindling friendships, introducing neighbors, building bridges and giving hope. We bring all that we are to be offered – not perfect examples of God’s love, but our best efforts that come out of chaotic and broken lives.
We strongly believe that God makes us to be uniquely ourselves and also to be in community. We welcome everyone and encourage each other to live into our identities fully. As we are able to live freely as we were created, we believe that self awareness calls us into a deeper relationship with God. From that essential connection flows our connections with everyone else as we strive to love and serve the world to the best of our abilities.
What’s in a name?
Names are significant! In scripture when a name didn’t fit a person, God changed it- Abram became Abraham, Simon became Peter, Saul became Paul. In our modern contexts, parents decide on names for the children for a variety of reason- it sounds nice, in honor of a relative, or some other significant tie. As we were determining what to name this new ministry in Anthem, we struggled capturing the essence of who we are. We spent many mornings walking at sunrise, seeing how the not-so-distant foothills slowly took shape as the sun rose. Starting first in darkness, then a dim silhouette, then layers, until finally details were evident. That image of the sun rising and bringing illumination resonates with our identity as Christians. We believe strongly that God has acted definitively through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus- that is the sun.
Advent acknowledges this dawn imagery as well. The weeks prior to Christmas live into this hope. As Christians we know that God’s vision for the world is big, beautiful, and filled with love, but we don’t always see that in the midst of the chaos we are living in day to day. Advent reminds us that hope is on the horizon, that God chooses to act and to bring fuller illumination day by day.
So the name “First Light Fellowship” fits us. We are a people of hope. A people that believes that God has already shone the light into the world and that the light increases and overcomes darkness as we join in the efforts of God in our families, communities, and the larger world. We see the sun on the horizon, we celebrate the first lights of dawn, and we strive to be reflections of that light in the world.