Programs for Children
The children remain in the service for a majority of time together. Most Sunday there is 10-15 when the kids are excused to the children's space to continue the conversation started in worship in an even more interactive way. This time is led either by one of our pastors or a volunteer teacher.
KidsCan is an after school program for upper elementary aged children. The group meets for two 6 week sessions during the school year- one in the fall and one in the spring. We play games, explore scripture, and discuss how those passages empower us to help our communities. The name come from the idea that "Kids Can" change the world.
Be a Light camp is our version of Vocational Bible School. It is Tuesday-Friday after Memorial Day. It is open to incoming Kindergarten through 5th graders (Middle school and high school youth are encouraged to volunteer. Details about theme and content will be available beginning in April.
We host community Kids' Craft Classes each month during the school year. They are at 1pm on a Sunday afternoon. For more information check out our Craft Classes page.
Children sharing their light
Children have more insight and creativity to share than the world gives them credit for. In many contexts the aim seems to be an attempt to gather them in and quiet them down, but sadly we then lose the gifts they have to ofter.
As a community of First Light Fellowship, we strive not to wrangle and quiet, but to empower and engage with our children. Their unapologetic curiosity, strength, and imagination help us to see the world as it really is and encourage the rest of us to adopt a more open and wonder-filled approach to our faith.
Sometimes this looks chaotic and messy as children share their thoughts and try to understand their emotions. But the chaos is beautiful and a refection of full life– there is dancing and singing, hugging and playing, sharing and questioning, sometimes even a tantrum or two. What we have found is we gain so much more by their presence, involvement, and voices than we lose.
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In worship the children will often open us in prayer, lead us in singing, play guitars, add their thoughts to our scripture passages of the day, remind us of stories we shared weeks (even months) prior, and open our eyes and minds to knew ways of understanding God’s big love.
We are not perfect at this, and are constantly striving to encourage and empower children to participate and lead us as a community. We invite your imagination and creativity to help us move closer to being a fully intergenerational worshiping community.
Upcoming Children's Events
Check out upcoming children's events at First Light.